Friday, September 24, 2010

The Lobotomist

The Lobotomist was about the history of lobotomy and Walter J Freeman.  It went over how Walter started with the topic of lobotomy and how he felt that it was a last resort, and in the end how his procedure of lobotomy changed and that he would use it often for any mental illness.

Is Walter J Freeman a good doctor or a mad man?  I think Walter is a mad man.  He is doing procedures that are unethical.  Whether or not the patient benefits from the procedure, it is never a good idea to jumble some one's brain so forcefully.  The physical approach should be taken very cautiously, with small incisions and accurate calculations, not with a ice pick and mixing up the front of the brain.  Walter is also a mad man because he knew that lobotomy had very serious risks and many negative effects but he ignored them with the drive that lobotomy was a good thing, and continued with his work.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hello, my name is Ryan.  I'm a self-motivated individual who prefers to work alone or with others I can trust.  I'm usually organized and don't like to fool around when work needs to be done, ironically I often procrastinate.  My hobbies/interests are mainly playing video games, and drawing etc even though I haven't drawn anything in a long time.  I'm not a talkative person and usually will be seen with a blank expression, with brief smirks here and there.  Post-high school I may being enrolling in a technical college, or possibly some online classes for video game productions.  Making video games for a living has always been my dream.